DLC Soon? lost monetization opportunity

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by BrokenFang, Nov 26, 2020.

  1. BrokenFang

    BrokenFang Lieutenant

    Jun 12, 2020
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    Greetings and salutations, everybody is dropping their new holiday updates. Space Engineers just drop the new DLC with wheels, I would really like to see Wheel's added to the game. I think it would add a lot more opportunity for creativity for relatively little added assets. Couple of small medium and large Wheels. I'm worried about Empyriun.

    I'd also like to see some faction drops, unique items that came from farming the factions.

    But you're missing an opportunity, to make some revenue for the game by not dropping your DLC are any content before the holiday season and everybody is off work. Steam had their Steam Sale and I bought four copies for some of my friends,

    There needs to be some kind of monetization in order to pay to contract out some assets I would really like that money to go towards updating some of the monster models also would like for there to be World bosses,
    Last edited: Nov 26, 2020
    Kassonnade likes this.
  2. Kassonnade

    Kassonnade Rear Admiral

    May 13, 2017
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    No DLC - that is a bad idea for any unfinished game. Very unfair for those who will wait to get the core game get worked on, while the developers would work on DLC content.

    I want wheels too. They were in the 2016 survey, and they were not there anymore in the 2018 survey. All we got in the meantime was the "motorbike"... Watch other players come here and say that "wheels are not sci-fi" just because they want the devs to focus on the PvP "walk on moving ship" thingy.

    I would like big flying creatures on some worlds, that can attack flying vessels or pick up players from the ground. And yes, some "bigger" bosses in some places, and if possible have the AI factions attack each other, or have wild animals attack different species/ factions, etc.
  3. BrokenFang

    BrokenFang Lieutenant

    Jun 12, 2020
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    this is a great idea..

    as for DLC and monetization the Dev's have to have a way to pay the bills.. its just one of them things..
  4. Kassonnade

    Kassonnade Rear Admiral

    May 13, 2017
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    Just tell me what you think is the problem with money, since they already told us twice that they did not move to v1.0 for money, and despites that they intended to continue working on the game as previously.

    I'm asking you to provide some numbers or figures on which you base your assumption that Eleon has no money to pay the bills, or have money problems. Please.
    Liang, Germanicus and Ambaire like this.
  5. BrokenFang

    BrokenFang Lieutenant

    Jun 12, 2020
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    I never stated that Empyrion was having money issues, for example I'm a trillionaire But I still got to pay bills. My Gucci watch collection sometimes it's out of control, I use special lighting to make the gold bling bling,

    Any Savvy businessman knows that you need to generate wealth in order to create more wealth All Ships are lifted with the rising tide. There's a reason why that saying is somewhere around 5,000 years old

    If the company does not reinvest into assets, their projects will become unappealing, it really comes down to management and how they managed their time and resources enable to prioritize key development

    I recommend Outsourcing things like model asset in a series of small projects

    For example like outsourced the recreation of vendors, monsters, remodeling of some of the weapons, some new skins are textures, vegetation, they need to be redone into a little bit higher resolution quality of model. It's extremely dated at this point probably close to 5 or 6 years old all of it can be contracted out without changing the direction or the control of development

    I know the developer talked about not Desiring to put in Wheels, but I think it would be something that would generate a lot of creativity, for relatively low asset development you could create all kinds of new stuff like roaming bases, launch pads,

    But they would need to get the controls right. The controls currently four wheeled vehicles are really wonky and need to be redone the best example I've seen it is in 7 Days to Die, kind of drive like the warthog from Halo Mouse control. But enclosing bling bling
  6. Germanicus

    Germanicus Rear Admiral

    Jan 22, 2018
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    Patience seems not to be one of your virtues....

    Has it ever occurred to you that ELEON might use Money from other income source to finance this project?
    Would be a good explanation for this - Quote:
    "We also do not have an investor we need to “develop for” or which pushes us to a certain stage. Eleon Games has successfully bootstrapped the game 100% on its own up to this point, while working with and for the community that helped to actually shape the game a lot. And we possibly could go on like this for years."

    DLC - Quote:
    "Because we are reading this quite frequently: There are no current plans to release additional DLC packs anytime soon or in the near future.

    We also do not have plans to dive into the Cosmetic-Micotransactions topic of crazy dragon helmets and unicorn suits. If we get to know that there would be a common agreement on the possibility of having that, with the context of supporting the development, we might consider that. If you want to support the game development right at the moment, simply gift some game copies to your friends and help them to make their first steps in Empyrion. ;)

    Also: if you bought the game at any stage, you will not have to re-purchase it for any of the upcoming releases. This has always been the case, and this will not change as well."
  7. Khaleg

    Khaleg Commander

    Nov 5, 2020
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    What is happening with the gamers these days?

    May be you are accustomed already to unfinished products that jump to the next profitable evolution without being completed?

    I do not want payed DLCs for Empyrion, I want a full product with the less bugs as possible for this that I already payed for.

    After all these bugs have been ironed-out, we would talk about DLCs, if they are worth my hard earned money; because yes, I have to pay bills too.

    How many harm all these abusive policies from big companies have done to the gaming community... Even gamers are wanting to jump to the "profit at all cost" train.
    RedSamurai, Liang, stecph and 5 others like this.
  8. BrokenFang

    BrokenFang Lieutenant

    Jun 12, 2020
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    Ok that is Awesome I did not know that! But I would like to see more Content!.... every 8 weeks, I dont care if its a in game candy bar. I would Just like to see something every 8 weeks. and them talking about the Future in Blog Post.
    Kassonnade likes this.
  9. SmaugBR

    SmaugBR Lieutenant

    Oct 20, 2017
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    Kassonnade, I am one of the players who vow for the "walk on moving ship thingy", as you disdainfully presented it. Just for the note, I am the tyoe of player who simply can't stand PvP. I just hate it, just because players tend to blend "PvPing" with "ganking". So, just for the record, my motives are different. So please, just try not to jump to conclusions regarding others' motivations behind their ideas, or you could and probably will express unfair judgements.

    Regarding the rest of your post - about the bosses, and flying creatures - you have all my full support.
  10. Spoon

    Spoon Captain

    Jun 27, 2020
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    I'm not in favour of DLC for this game.
    As for 'focus on the PvP "walk on moving ship" thingy.' then, yes walking on a ship would be a good idea, as then you can build little raider ships that you can attach to enemy ships and then breach and enter without taking down the thrusters or stopping the ship. But this is not a priority at the moment as it's not a game stopper, like other things. I also don't do PVP.
  11. Kassonnade

    Kassonnade Rear Admiral

    May 13, 2017
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    You did : that's the bold text line I quoted. Also I asked for numbers, you provided none. I did read your plea though.

    You're just missing the important part of my post : are you against wheels ? If I used a specific sentence to describe players who usually opposed wheels, it's what I used and not something else, and it is based on history, as I have had this answer a few times now, and have been served exactly what I wrote up here. In short : what is your business telling me not to talk about what I personally experienced on the forums on that specific subject ?

    And yes, I love to argue, and I positively don't care about people's feelings when they don't care themselves. For discussions about "walk on moving ships" anyone can search the forum and find plenty of threads, with the same answers given over and over. For "wheels" they simply disappeared from the 2018 survey, and this feature did not get the same "carefulness" not to "hurt feelings" that the "walk on moving ships" got, probably because it's a question of players acting in an entitled way in one case but not in the other.
    Last edited: Nov 28, 2020
    Germanicus likes this.
  12. ravien_ff

    ravien_ff Rear Admiral

    Oct 22, 2017
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    None of us know what the dev's finances are like. I'm sure that they have considered all their options and if they felt a paid DLC is the right thing to do that they would do it.

    I don't think the game is anywhere near ready for any extra paid content, but I can't speak to the financial side of things.
    Germanicus and Kassonnade like this.
  13. Average

    Average Commander

    Jun 22, 2019
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    Sure, but I think we can still put our money where our mouth is and help independent game dev companies that make good products make a good profit. If anything they deserve it far more so than the giant corps. If there's money in being an ethical small business making innovative games, then more people will do it.
  14. The Big Brzezinski

    The Big Brzezinski Captain

    Nov 4, 2019
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    What would such DLC even contain? Blocks? Items? Missions? World generation additions? I don't see any overlap between content that's worth buying and content that doesn't harm the game in other ways.
    Kassonnade likes this.
  15. BrokenFang

    BrokenFang Lieutenant

    Jun 12, 2020
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    This is Sooo True awesome Post
  16. BrokenFang

    BrokenFang Lieutenant

    Jun 12, 2020
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    would like to see kick starter for Models re-work. updated Factions, Monster NPC Vendor.
  17. ravien_ff

    ravien_ff Rear Admiral

    Oct 22, 2017
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    That would backfire so hard.
    Sofianinho, Needleship and Kassonnade like this.
  18. BrokenFang

    BrokenFang Lieutenant

    Jun 12, 2020
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    how would that backfire?
  19. Kassonnade

    Kassonnade Rear Admiral

    May 13, 2017
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    I'm not sure you guys understand I mean we already paid for the game and waited for years to see it develop and we expect it to be completed at some point but come on it makes no sense to pay again because we already paid what's the point guys get real this is nonsense why should we ditch more money while we still get new stuff without giving new money that's the way things should be I'm happy they're still working on the game I'm sure everything is going to be ok we just have to be patient don't worry we'll get ther in time I'm positive that the game will get better we just have to wait a bit more and we don't have to give them more money because that makes no sense at that point my grandma told me to always wash behind my ears that's why I know that they will eventually finish this game and we'll get better models and sounds and whatnot but what's the frenzy to throw our money out the window I'm convinced the developers don't need it they told us twice and maybe even more I love home baked bread but is that a reason to pay twice for a product we already bought what's the problem with waiting a bit more we're used to long wait time and now that we're just weeks to get a big patch what's the problem to wait why this constant money talk I don't think resorting to paid dlc and new content will be met with happiness and that will not fix the underlying game we have no idea what they're up to damn it's so long to wait but still if you have money to waste just donate me and I will draw something anything just ask but please don't expect a lot of players to be happy opening steam and seeing that kind of news on the game that they will have to pay again to get the content that we were already supposed to have paid for for pete's sake what's the problem with you guys it's commons sens that you don't ask players to pay twice for the same content that was promised at first I don't get it why is it so cold on a full moon I'm worried that some people are indeed so tired of waiting that they are starting to make some ridiculous proposals to hasten the development while in fact it's a very bad Idea I don't want to support such kind of suggestion that makes no sense if we can't trust the devs to make the game as they told us they would why should we trust them for paid dlc and whatnot I think it's a bad idea give up guys we love you but not your proposal come on get real and side with us pushing for better forum communication so situations like these don't happen because players are imagining all kinds of silly things like financial problems or the need for micro-transactions in the game and stuff that only kills fun and cost more for no good reason. And just to make sure I have been clear : I'm not sure you guys understand I mean we already paid for the game and waited for years to see it develop and we expect it to be completed at some point but come on it makes no sense to pay again because we already paid what's the point guys get real this is nonsense why should we ditch more money while we still get new stuff without giving new money that's the way things should be I'm happy they're still working on the game I'm sure everything is going to be ok we just have to be patient don't worry we'll get ther in time I'm positive that the game will get better we just have to wait a bit more and we don't have to give them more money because that makes no sense at that point my grandma told me to always wash behind my ears that's why I know that they will eventually finish this game and we'll get better models and sounds and whatnot but what's the frenzy to throw our money out the window I'm convinced the developers don't need it they told us twice and maybe even more I love home baked bread but is that a reason to pay twice for a product we already bought what's the problem with waiting a bit more we're used to long wait time and now that we're just weeks to get a big patch what's the problem to wait why this constant money talk I don't think resorting to paid dlc and new content will be met with happiness and that will not fix the underlying game we have no idea what they're up to damn it's so long to wait but still if you have money to waste just donate me and I will draw something anything just ask but please don't expect a lot of players to be happy opening steam and seeing that kind of news on the game that they will have to pay again to get the content that we were already supposed to have paid for for pete's sake what's the problem with you guys it's commons sens that you don't ask players to pay twice for the same content that was promised at first I don't get it why is it so cold on a full moon I'm worried that some people are indeed so tired of waiting that they are starting to make some ridiculous proposals to hasten the development while in fact it's a very bad Idea I don't want to support such kind of suggestion that makes no sense if we can't trust the devs to make the game as they told us they would why should we trust them for paid dlc and whatnot I think it's a bad idea give up guys we love you but not your proposal come on get real and side with us pushing for better forum communication so situations like these don't happen because players are imagining all kinds of silly things like financial problems or the need for micro-transactions in the game and stuff that only kills fun and cost more for no good reason.
    DuLux, Needleship and BrokenFang like this.
  20. Needleship

    Needleship Master of Custom Terrain

    Apr 13, 2017
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    - Zirax plush toys?
    - EGS mugs?

    I want some.

    (And it is what made the 'Star Wars' franchise profitable)

    (There are countless other methods to get more revenue, without irking the whole player base or stunting the game's growth. That is not the 'media buzz' you need, ever.
    Would you please stop looking to the competitiors for 'worst' or 'could have been better' examples...?
    - For DLC see how that splits the Space Engineers' player base. But they are 'big enough' to get away with it. - - Not good an idea to restict the number of lego blocks for your friends that (might) want to play.
    - - And yes, more Dev communication, it helps to keep the hype.)
    Kassonnade and BrokenFang like this.

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