Wi-fi and Antenna Idea/Problem

Discussion in 'Suggestions' started by BrokenFang, Aug 13, 2020.

  1. BrokenFang

    BrokenFang Lieutenant

    Jun 12, 2020
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    Wi-fi and Antenna Idea/Problem

    idea of using The Deco antennas and actually giving them functionality as Wi-Fi extenders. It doesn't matter which one you use but if you use an antenna on a structure it pushes out the Wi-Fi by an additional 100%
    Last edited: Aug 13, 2020
  2. Average

    Average Commander

    Jun 22, 2019
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  3. Brimstone

    Brimstone Rear Admiral

    Dec 11, 2017
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    Yeah- not intending to be mean, but I skip over wall of text posts- I'm not sitting through a 10 or 15 minute video. You may even have great ideas, but they're probably not getting seen
  4. BrokenFang

    BrokenFang Lieutenant

    Jun 12, 2020
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    I appreciate your guys's feedback, I use the video formats because it's easier for me to articulate ideas much easier through speech comprehension than actually writing it out..

    I got hit with a recoilless rifle round back in 2014 in Afghanistan, and ever since in I just struggle with writing in general like this very message was drafted using speech to text...

    This video basically goes over some of the issues that I have encountered through playing on a persistent official server. A little bit of repair base use that I've addressed and some of the other videos that I post on my YouTube...

    But the big takeaway is the idea of using The Deco antennas and actually giving them functionality as Wi-Fi extenders. It doesn't matter which one you use but if you use an antenna on a structure it pushes out the Wi-Fi by an additional 100%

    Also taking a look at the HV and SV'S have Reduce range like for example 25 meters and with Deco antennas would bump it out to 50 meters CVS would have a base of 50 that would bump it out to a hundred with an antenna and bases have the largest radius of Wi-Fi extender.

    But ultimately it's up to the developer to figure out how they want to do it I'm not trying to nail down exact ranges just incorporate the idea of The Deco antennas as actual wi-fi boosters..

    And thanks again for leaving comments on my video I do support the active discussion send feedback is always welcome

    Bollen and Germanicus like this.
  5. Average

    Average Commander

    Jun 22, 2019
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  6. Brimstone

    Brimstone Rear Admiral

    Dec 11, 2017
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    This sounds like an interesting idea. I'd support that and add that it would be nice if it extended drone range as well

    A brief sentence like the one I quoted might draw more attention to the videos, and get people to actually view them more

    And I'm sorry to hear what happened, and I truly mean it when I say "Thank you for your service"
    Average likes this.
  7. Taemien

    Taemien Ensign

    Jun 22, 2018
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    So right now, the Wifi gives a range of 100m.

    Its 100m from where IT is placed. So if your base is is like 200m long and the wifi is on the other side, you can't connect to it (though I think you can if you're touching the base or standing on it).

    100m is pretty short.

    This is what I'd like to see done with the Antenna. There's different tiers of Antenna and you would learn them in the Tech Tree branching off with the Wifi as the first node. The wifi would act as a short range Antenna itself and a central communication control. It would allow you to communicate out to 100m as it does now.

    A tier 1 Antenna could push that to say, 250m. And it would take materials you see on starter worlds, you know Iron, Silicon, Copper.

    A tier 2 Antenna could push it out to 1km. It would take material like Cobalt and such, you gotta leave the starter world and at least get to its moon (if following standard progression).

    A tier 3 Antenna would push it to say 2-5km. It would use Neodymium and other advanced materials.

    The higher the tier the higher the CPU and PU requirements.

    In addition, I'd like to see Antennas in range of one another able to relay. So if you have two bases 10km apart. Using some Antennas inbetween either through ships or small bases would allow them to transfer storage.

    And finally. Lets tie Antenna and communications to actual ingame communications as well. This would help with some of the RP servers where players are playing characters that would talk to each other. Perhaps even allow for player to player trading if in Antenna range.
    BrokenFang likes this.

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