Feedback Required Your TOP3 MOST WANTED feature addition or change?

Discussion in 'Suggestions' started by Hummel-o-War, Sep 26, 2019.

  1. Dracojax

    Dracojax Ensign

    Sep 3, 2020
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  2. Ben Veater

    Ben Veater Ensign

    Dec 12, 2017
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    1: Walk on ship whilst it's moving (I'm aware this is an enormous technical challenge)
    2: Functional stasis pods that tie a player's spawn point to a ship in multiplayer so they are always with the ship when they log in regardless of whether it moved. (even more important with the galaxy update)
    3: Moddable game models, characters, weapons and prefabs and a workshop for these. Or even an in-game editor? (I know I ask a lot :D )
  3. [CMB] DJB

    [CMB] DJB Ensign

    Sep 19, 2020
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    1) the ability to place functional and decorative objects in the same block as a ceiling/floor panel

    2) improved avatar customisation with different races, etc and the ability to import custom avatar models

    3) stasis pods so you can spawn straight into a capital vessel in space
  4. Paulista

    Paulista Ensign

    Jan 15, 2019
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    Giving it a try:
    1) Unattached blocks in space should explode. Base blocks when no longer have connection to the building turn into debris and fall off. It's weird to see unattached blocks in vessels still working. Those should explode when the blocks connecting them to the rest of the vessel were destroyed or salvaged.
    2) Use blueprints to build vessels from scratch: a holographic blueprint showing where to add each block or device, so you actually build the blueprint instead of a magical assembling plant.
    3) Easier way to identify block shapes, to replace missing blocks.
    nottrox ¯\ (ツ) /¯ likes this.
  5. ChumSickle

    ChumSickle Captain

    Jul 17, 2020
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    Was just discussing a recent play through and an idea hit me. It may be nice to have a "contentment" meter. I see in many of the nicer end game CVs and bases people build these awesome restaurants, lounges, swimming pools, sports facilities, bars, movie theaters, and so forth. But effectively, they do nothing. Well, they make it so its harder to get around a ship. It would be nice to add a level of functionality to these "facilities".

    One of the "reforged" mods has a "well fed" status where if you are at or near full food you get health regen added. So perhaps have a "Content" status that increases stamina regen or something. It can be influenced by health level, food level, food diversity, actual time spent resting. Because lets face it, there is no real reason for a bed after a certain point, and "sitting" does little.

    Just returned to your ship after a long battle with a Legacy POI? Your clone chamber been working harder than an ugly stripper? Feeling kinda down because you still havent been able to afford the dancing NPC from the trader? Well, have a bottle of champagne, sit back with some scrambled eggs and watch a movie in your ships lounge.
  6. Banquo

    Banquo Commander

    Apr 14, 2016
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    1) Scaled up playfields. - Going from planet to moon should take a long time, not 2 minutes.

    2) Ability to walk around on moving ship + inertial dampeners.

    3) Planets with such hostile environments that shield is required to prevent ship damage.
  7. ChumSickle

    ChumSickle Captain

    Jul 17, 2020
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    Probably not a popular suggestion...

    But I feel CVs should take far more fuel while operating in atmosphere than in space. If there is a difference now, I havent noticed. I feel part of the CV weapons nerf was to prevent people from just cruising around a planet and smashing all of the POIs with artillery. But I feel this could have also been balanced by making operating a massive CV in a gravity environment extremely taxing on fuel.

    Granted, I know we arent using "real world" science all that often, but currently when we send a ship into space, most of the fuel consumption is just in hefting that bad boy out of atmosphere.

    I feel a change like this would put more emphasis on people utilizing smaller craft more. We would actually >need< cargo haulers to travel to the surface, pick up a load, and then return to its mothership. We would actually need dropships to deliver our tank to the surface of a planet. We would actually need scout SVs to zoom around a planet surface to scout.

    This way, if a player actually wants to bombard a POI with their CV mounted weapons, they still can, just be prepared to use most of your on board fuel to stay air born.

    As the game sits now, there is a plateau that is reached rather fast. We get a starter CV, mine a bunch, then get an end game CV. Most of these "end game" cvs can do pretty much anything any other ship can do. So it takes out the "need" to have any other type of vessel. Thus far, the only real "need" I have found other than my nice big ol CV is to have a dedicated attack tank that can take down shielded POIs.
    Smithor and Addy like this.
  8. GlitchedVision

    GlitchedVision Ensign

    Aug 30, 2020
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    1: UI customization
    2: more/better audio cues
    3: better block names.

    These suggestions are to improve overall accessibility. I have mentioned the reasons for all of these in previous threads, but I'll bring them all together in one place for easier digestion and critique.

    1: The game's UI is nice for general use, however some elements are in inconvenient positions for gamers with visual challenges. If we could move or resize hud elements, players could position them where they are most comfortable or useful.
    2: The generic alert sound is heard for many reasons, from base attacks to core overload. It would be nice if each event had its own unique sound cue so that you can always know exactly what's going on even if you're too busy blasting a zirax in the face to check the little notification window that pops up, in an inconvenient position (see above.)
    3: How is ramp C supposed to connect to ramp corner A? or does it even connect? while most players can answer these questions by looking at the blocks in the world or menu, players with some visual or mental challenges may not be able to answer this question easily. A more uniform naming convention where blocks of similar types or angles are named in a way that makes it easier to know how they fit together based on their name. Example, anything ending with an A, (ramp A, ramp corner A) should line up perfectly. A better alternative would be to give the angle degree in the block name, such as "45 degree ramp" or "30 degree slope base/mid/cap"
  9. Average

    Average Commander

    Jun 22, 2019
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    I keep most of my suggestions in my signature in rough order of priority. My top 3 are:
    • Modular cargo system - Special ship class "cargo container" that can only be used for storage. Your mining ship/HV directs ore into it, it passively docks to your ship if you touch with docking clamp, and you can drop all containers that are docked to you with a single key press.

    • Building with modular blueprints and nanoframes - "Snap" different BAs into place using joiner blocks, they remain as separate buildings (ownership etc) but they physically touch, allowing players to precisely construct modular space stations, connected "rail" systems and other BAs. All structures are built by pointing multitools/turrets at nanoframes which use resources from inventory/cargo, rather than dropping resources into the current immersion-breaking factory.

    • Improved survival features and hotels - Add more survival counters like hydration and tiredness, make it so furniture solves these, make furniture expensive, then allow players to offer "hotels" where other players can stop and use the facilities. This gives a gameplay reason to actually visit other people's bases in multiplayer, or to visit friendly NPCs.
    I'd also really like to see a CPU redesign, this method for walking in-flight and more activities for co-pilots to do, but those are probably not self-contained suggestions.
    Last edited: Oct 6, 2020
  10. Ben2space

    Ben2space Ensign

    Sep 8, 2020
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    1. More blocks. The building aspect of the game is the main reason I purchased this, as generally I dislike horror survival games. You could easily double the number of shape blocks by creating the missing transition pieces, and creating rounded/sloped versions of all of the angled blocks. Vermillian recently created advanced shields and generators for SV/HV in his Reforged scenario, we need more things like that in the base game too.

    2. More non-combat things to do. I chose this over the other space based game where you engineer things so I could do something after I built it. More abundant traders other than Polaris. Buy/sell more/different things. I'll mention Reforged again, but I like what he did with prices. Some things are shockingly expensive (optronic bridge & matrix), but you can now sell components for a profit. Piracy, I would like to keep/salvage what I kill, not have it "self destruct" 5 seconds later. Things to salvage other than the wrecks scattered about that you only get steel plate from. I did the Dread start in Eden, and going around salvaging all of the abandoned things was tons of fun. Maybe a small chance for something valuable from the non-alien loot boxes, so you have a reason to loot them after you get a warp CV.

    3. More in-game settings. The ability to change things that can be done by editing the various files. I often see responses along the lines of, you can edit the files to get (the thing) yourself. I'm not a modder so I have no idea what would be possible to include with this or how difficult it would be. Something that would be more of a fine-tuner, not a full scenario builder. Like adjusting the CV self destruct timer, for example.

    Bonus prize, more turret settings. I would like my sentry guns to attack the people not the drones, and the miniguns to attack the drones not the people. I would also like to have the CV turrets attack the sentry guns, and toggle if they should only attack visible targets. I did the Legacy POI yesterday with the turrets inside the building, that you need to run past and hit the switch (sorry don't recall the name of it), and had to turn my turrets off bases so they would stop trying to drill through the whole thing.
  11. J'ee

    J'ee Lieutenant

    Dec 18, 2018
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    Hi there. Thanks for asking this question. Yes, here are my three answers, in order of importance to me.

    1) Interface sounds volume control, including potential muting.
    Short explanation: The beep-boop sounds when you access a container, constructor, etc, are grating after a thousand hours of playing. My goodness, this game is addictive! ;)

    2) Workshop acquired items are accessible while offline in single-player.
    Short description: This would include especially, downloaded scenarios in single-player mode, e.g., Project Eden with its wonderful sunsets on oceanic worlds I usually can't play without.

    3) Things which look fluid, actually flow.
    Short description: It seems many problems with light and water could be fixed with a flow dynamic in place. Presently, light shines through opaque voxels, and mining underwater boulders, rocks near the shore or heaven forbid, the seabed by wreckages, is a glaring indicator that fluids don't flow. There are many newfangled ideas on how to do this, these days. :)

    Very well. Thanks for such a well designed game! The multiplayer capacity is probably superior...
    Bollen likes this.
  12. Leftcoast

    Leftcoast Lieutenant

    Oct 22, 2018
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    Fixed weapons need advanced settings.

    Example, if a ship has 4 plasma cannons their should be advanced settings so they don't all fire at once. Features could include spacing .25 second between firing, burst fire, 2 by 2, etc.

    It's probably been brought up, I also feel like it's easy enough however warrants balance testing in the hopefully near future.

    This should also foster more diverse tactics, for example I would like time between each shot instead of a single volley as I don't always want all shots on one pin point.
    Bollen likes this.
  13. me777

    me777 Commander

    Aug 18, 2020
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    -Sound settings per device type:
    especially the water collectors (in larger numbers) can be too loud, and some other sounds get "too much" if you hear them over and over...
    -make some blocks combineable into one, like a thin wall and a furniture item, or a lcd and a building block, so the lcd is like a texture. also add mor blocks that allow better builds. or even make a block customizer ingame where one can cut away on an block.
    -more / better scripting interfaces. right now i miss power in/out/stored for the solar stuff to make a "empyrion scripting" script that displays energy balance of my base...
  14. morbius22003

    morbius22003 Ensign

    Oct 22, 2020
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    1) Portable Turret, either shoulder-mounted or can be placed, same size as player or smaller. Type varied from all weapon types.
    2) T2 Repair Bay's can also Repair Bases, and Upgrade Blocks on Both Bases/Ships.
    3) Sandbox/Scenario Wildlife Selections (Some of us have Arachnophobia) where we can replace certain creatures with others or at least opt them out.
    Last edited: Oct 22, 2020
    nottrox ¯\ (ツ) /¯ and J'ee like this.
  15. The Big Brzezinski

    The Big Brzezinski Captain

    Nov 4, 2019
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    (1) Hover engines should be added for SV and CVs, so they can do conventional takeoffs using atmospheric lift. Limit them to half speed when using hover engines, so they don't supplant HVs.

    (2) Linear and rotational acceleration limits are needed on CVs. Slow down how fast CVs can change their speed and direction, and they'll feel heavier without having to nerf their thrusters and wreck their cargo lifting ability.

    (3) Items purchased from vendors should first be added to empty toolbar slots instead of backpack slots. Combined with the logistics toolbar, this would allow players to buy and sell items using their ship's cargo hold instead of their personal inventory. This increase in "cart" size would in turn allow merchants to deal in any item that can be carried in a cargo controller. Note that selling items to vendors from the logistics toolbar already works perfectly well.
    J'ee likes this.
  16. Dragon

    Dragon Captain

    Dec 22, 2015
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    1) Fix the laggy and sticky third-person camera controls for the player character.
    2) Repair bays or another type of automated repair function to repair BAs.
    3) Allow NPC spawners for player BAs. AI control for player vessels so you can set up your own PVs and orbital patrols.
    Darinth likes this.
  17. Moadeepswg

    Moadeepswg Ensign

    Oct 1, 2018
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    1. Repair Bay needs to have a Deconstruction process, if you can repair, you should be able to dissasemble.
    2. Ability to Actually Claim Land/Space/Sectors/etc. With slightly increased aggression from npc's, The more you take what is there's the more you pay the price.
    3. More Rare Tools/Items in game. There is still nothing in Game that can deal with 400 Degree Temperature. lol
    nottrox ¯\ (ツ) /¯ and Bollen like this.
  18. corpowat

    corpowat Ensign

    May 14, 2017
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    mine 3 are : tractor beam for recovering loot etc.
    being able to drop to ground in a scirmish with zirax?
    having a anti sun in the helmet against the glare.
    their could be lots more but i kept it to 3.
  19. Arthmoor

    Arthmoor Commander

    Sep 30, 2020
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    I'd like to second both of these. With an additional enhancement on the second one. Salvaging a CV/HV/SV should offer the choice of either breaking it down into components or recovering the whole blocks. Even if that means the whole blocks mode takes longer and costs you more in power.

    I'll add one more suggestion to round this out to 3: Allow Repair Consoles to take input directly from an assigned container on the Base/CV so you don't have to do the inventory shuffle to get things into the hopper.
    nottrox ¯\ (ツ) /¯ and J'ee like this.
  20. ChumSickle

    ChumSickle Captain

    Jul 17, 2020
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    I think it has been pretty much universally desired to have some component that can deconstruct vehicles and perhaps bases. I would love to learn why this hasnt happened. Or what the challenges are.

    From the outside looking in, we have a block (repair blocks) that see what is over them, compare what is damaged to what the original was, and then fix it. The T2 ones look to see what blocks are missing, and then replace them. So I cant imagine why this same block cant see what is over it and reduce it to its base materials and place them in the same container that we have to fill when we put materials in a repair bay.

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