BA very long range fixed Warp Gates

Discussion in 'Suggestions' started by Khazul, Oct 6, 2020.

  1. Khazul

    Khazul Rear Admiral

    Jan 15, 2020
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    Since adding the full huge galaxy, I have a real problem with building bases beyond a most basic starter base.

    Once I have left the starter system and gone off to explore, the chances of me ever coming back to that planet are very slim (it ends up just being too far away and navigation is a bit of a pain currently without some kind of nav computer and pathing). The same is true of any other location really as well.

    This is turn means I don't bother with as many ships (minimum SV and HVs and probably no other CVs) - as basically I need to be able to take everything with me.

    If bases could be constructed with a new functional block(s) to serve as a large CV (and SV and maybe even HV) warp gate with effectively infinite (or at least very high) range, then I might go back to building a bases again.

    I could of course just do what some other have done and mod the warp drive and teleporter for extreme range but I am OK with their current range in principle *if* there is some other means of quickly getting around the galaxy.

    I think adding constructable warp gates would add considerably to the utility and purpose of building bases. If you want a galaxy spanning empire, well then you will have to being a bunch of bases with attached gates. The gate blocks themselves could be a bunch of side and angle segments allowing the construction of different sized ring-like gates of various sizes and certainly big enough to accommodate a good size CV (Titan kind of size at least). It would be great if it were practical to construct a ground based walk through and/or HV compatible gate as well and not just space based gates.

    My compromise currently is allowing furnaces and deconstructors to be added to a CV and allowing CV teleporters to be upgraded to a BA type teleporter on a CV so that a large CV can more usefully serve as a mobile base.

    But really, I kind of miss building a decent sized proper central base. Yes, there is nothing stopping me, but it just feels pointless when by the time I have built it, I will most likely never come back to it. If I am not building bases, and dont really want to build loads of ships because I cant take them with me, then once I have blown up a few zirax bases, then I feel the game kind of grinds to a halt.
  2. Alhira_K

    Alhira_K Captain

    Jan 16, 2017
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    I hereby support the suggestion. Let's build Ori Supergates to clean the galaxy of the heretics!
  3. Garlein

    Garlein Ensign

    Sep 23, 2020
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    When the weight and volume control is enabled, and the size of the player's backpack is not changed. There is no big sense in teleports. Because using it, I can transfer very few resources/items from one BA/CV to another.

    Therefore, I support the proposal of Khazul about the need to introduce "BA very long range fixed Warp Gates" in any version.
    Track Driver likes this.
  4. Track Driver

    Track Driver Rear Admiral

    Jun 28, 2016
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    Me too.
    I have only used a teleporter once and it wasn't a happy experience. Regardless, I'm in favor of constructible "warp gates" along with yhe mention of Nav Computers for long jumps.
    Make it so!
  5. Average

    Average Commander

    Jun 22, 2019
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    I agree with the premise. I think another solution would be to allow very long distance ((eg. 200LY) direct warps that avoid having to stop at many star systems along the way. Travel in this method would take time (eg. 1 minute per 100LY). To make this fun, I'd propose walking around the ship during warps detailed in this suggestion:

    That's my favoured way to implement walking on ships in a way that should be much easier to develop, and would work for warping around within a space playfield too.

    The gates idea also sounds like a great option to improve transport. Building it out of blocks sounds awesome. If that's to tricky to code, maybe just having different sized ring blocks (5x5, 10x10, 20x20) would allow something similar. I'd imagine connecting them would be a matter of giving each some sort of symbol, and then assigning the gate control a symbol to direct outgoing traffic.

    Another option might be warp zones, that could be configured in the custom config.
    They have the added benefit of funnelling traffic into specific corridors to make PvE travel more plausible for flying past traffic, and adding defensible bottlenecks for PvP or for NPC faction control of various regions.
  6. Khazul

    Khazul Rear Admiral

    Jan 15, 2020
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    With a caveat - very long range jumps by a ship should only be allowed to a previously visited system.
    Many of us want long range jumps for various reasons. But, it would be a shame if in doing so, any experience of the journey and discovery was also eliminated. This is the reason I have never bothered to simple edit the jump range in the config files, because I would want two value - one for unvisited destination and another for a visited destination. You can have some plausible reason like too dangerous to long jump into an unexplored system for lore purposes - very high risk of ending up inside the star etc...

    I suggested fixed BA attached warp gates really as a way to keep bases relevant by giving them a new and desirable utility. Maybe a later expansion of warp gates is that as well as transit for people and vessels, they eventually also act as a cargo relay as well making all interconnected bases accessible to each others wifi for eg - think wifi block T2 that only works when you also have a connected warp gate.

    I would see bases as potentially having multiple rings each with a set destinations like we used to have with admin place teleporter before they were enabled fully in game (upto player to stick a sign over the ring indication its destination I guess - I used to do the same for admin placed teleporters).

    As for the blocks themselves, I figure a simple series of flat and 1:1 and 2:1 double sided ramp like blocks that connect together to make up a rectangular or octagonal ring of the required size - ie big enough for a large CV with active power requirements according to number of segments - ie the ring size. maybe a couple of different length of segments so that the 2:1 ramps can be an even length (to align to pairs of standard 2:1 ramp blocks), while the whole ring can be an odd or even width/height.
    Average likes this.

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