The diminishing state of PvP and ever present rift between devs, pve players and pvp players.

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Mars Volta, Jul 10, 2020.

  1. Average

    Average Commander

    Jun 22, 2019
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    I just want to add to this that economically speaking, after pulling out the CPU extenders, its generally a better use of your time economically to just go mine instead. If salvaging at least pulled in a little more resources than mining, it would make sense as a use of your time and could be a worthwhile speciality.

    Complaints = Valuable feedback + Useless toxicity. Remove the toxicity, and Eleon can read the feedback without having to claw their eyes out every time :p

    PvP is definitely based on skill as you say. Unless you include the advanced core, CPU has reduced the viability of the sath brick. But I do think some of the winning strategies are not exactly immersive (all PvP ships use bait turrets, but why would any futuristic turret actually shoot at a buried turret? also, floating turrets?). I think the goal should be to have the top PvP ships look and behave reasonably similar to actual science fiction ships. I think most of us would like to fight in a battle similar to what we see in our favourite sci fi movies, with a ship we built ourselves.
  2. Mars Volta

    Mars Volta Lieutenant

    Jul 10, 2020
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    Thanks Ravien for your input. I do agree with you on multiple points. Now I really want to avoid the PvP vs PvE mentality, because I believe the 2 can be synonomous if it is actually taken into consideration properly. Having said that, yes there are overly vocal PvP players that do attack PvE players regularly and unfairly. There are also many PvE and SP exclusive players who do the same. I myself have witnessed others and personally experienced said attacks on a regular basis anytime I/we try to give valuable input. What I would like to see, is the toxicity of ANYONE, no matter how they play the game to reprimanded and steered back on course. I am no more responsible for the actions of other PvP players than you are of some of the toxic PvE community. With this regard, I constantly run into bias simply because I like to PvP in the game.. it isn't fair, but I do always express my views in return.

    I also agree with you that alot more players can get more involved in the modding and scenario building community. In saying that, I don't believe it is up to the players to have to do that for a rounded and inclusive gaming experience. I would also go further to say that people such as yourself and Vermillion, who are creating great content, are an even smaller minority that people who like to PvP.

    I truly believe that if we can encompass non biased and PvPvE rounded gameplay around a well executed economy system in Vanilla settings of the game, we would have a much more robust and enriched atmosphere of gameplay for everyone. Strictly PvE players shouldn't have to go into Nullsec zones if they don't want to, but there should be a risk vs reward system.

    Thanks again for your input.
  3. Mars Volta

    Mars Volta Lieutenant

    Jul 10, 2020
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    I find this an unecessary and tedious task. It wipes all your waypoints and you have to continually go in and out of the map. If Waypoints were saved in their orbits/sectors and only visible from there, I believe it would be much better and smoother. I was also mainly referring to the ping. When alot of the HUD displays pop up it drops your fps. I suggest a toggable detector for certain things.. ie. Asteroids/POI's/Players. Or perhaps different detectors for different things. I will actually be writing a specific thread dedicated to this shortly.
    nottrox ¯\ (ツ) /¯ likes this.
  4. Mars Volta

    Mars Volta Lieutenant

    Jul 10, 2020
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    This comment alone is not only dismissive, but ignorant. If no one 'complained', or give feedback as we are attempting to do, then how can the devs ahape the game for their market? We are all testers and here to give feedback. Everyone has the right to express their opinions and beliefs (in a constructive manner) without being shut down.
  5. ravien_ff

    ravien_ff Rear Admiral

    Oct 22, 2017
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    You can remove specific waypoints as well, you don't need to remove them all at once.
  6. Mars Volta

    Mars Volta Lieutenant

    Jul 10, 2020
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    Yes, but my point is... it's tedious. Constantly opening and closing map, checking and unchecking settings. It can be better
  7. RazzleWin

    RazzleWin Rear Admiral

    May 22, 2017
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    So are you assuming that PVE player's want to play on a server?
    Agreed some do.
    I for one don't wish to have anyone in my game an play solo or with a mate. But most of my play is by myself. If I want company I talk in here or go talk with the wife in r/l we have both spent so much time in VR, now day we tend to stay in the r/w.

    I can only speak for myself. As I'm sure there are others that like to play alone. I understand what your hoping for. But to bring two differently opposed community's together is not done over night. No one has really been able to get it right in the r/l but time will tell.

    I always have hope. :)

    I also mod my own game to my liking. You might be shocked just how many do mod their own stuff, but never talk about it. And that is just a guess on my part from how many people I have read over the years asking how to do things.
  8. jadefalcon

    jadefalcon Captain

    Jan 30, 2018
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    Please. Get over yourself.

    dichebach and Germanicus like this.
  9. Mars Volta

    Mars Volta Lieutenant

    Jul 10, 2020
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    I'm probably not going to interact with you because you are being dismissive and combative. If you have valuable input then I might address you.
    Ambaire likes this.
  10. RazzleWin

    RazzleWin Rear Admiral

    May 22, 2017
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    Wow! Your own Quote "Everyone has the right to express their opinions and beliefs (in a constructive manner) without being shut down."
    Did you even wonder why he said that? Did you ask yourself how can I engage this person. You did the very thing you didn't want others to do to you. Then to say "I might address you." Do you think of yourself as a king?

    As I said before "To bring two differently opposed community's together is not done over night."
    But the moment you stop asking yourself and others and learning is when the community breaks down. So take this how ever you want. If you want your idea to be heard then be willing to ask yourself how can I get this one person engaged, one person at a time. Alright you two disagree so how can you help to meet him half way.

    Guess now is the time for my popcorn :)
    dichebach, ravien_ff and Germanicus like this.
  11. Germanicus

    Germanicus Rear Admiral

    Jan 22, 2018
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    @Mars Volta You are contradicting yourself within a few posts.
    My question to you - as a TESTER - is simple: What took you so long to start posting here?
    2500 hours in the Game and now start to ramble?
    For someone with your 25 Years of experience in Programing (for someone who states he is 35) the habit not to point out Bugs to the Devs and explaining it with this sentence -> '......and I just didn't trust the devs enough.- but letting others do the work for you is just Wrong and a failure to comprehend the nature of a GAME DEVELOPMENT in Alpha.
    Giving NO feedback, what so ever, is a BAD feedback and a failure by the TESTER.

    On a Personal Note:
    I paid the 'Entrance to Alpha Fee' 2 years ago and joined the Forum 2 Months later.
    I have now 5.500 hours Game testing time under my Belly. Oh, and I played for some months on a PvP Server (together with @spanj ) and two dozen others. Not of my liking, not at all. Played MMO's like SWG, WoW and (still) SWTOR(since Beta).
  12. ravien_ff

    ravien_ff Rear Admiral

    Oct 22, 2017
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    And in the case of Empyrion I'm not even sure it needs to be done. The game can be customized enough that there's a server out there for everyone. There's no need to merge game play types, and I'd say that doing so would be detrimental to both types of game play.
  13. Mars Volta

    Mars Volta Lieutenant

    Jul 10, 2020
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    Everyone has the right to express their view, but I also have the right to not interact with people who add zero valuable input. The guy literally said "Get over yourself". Thats it, 3 words. So, by my logic, the guys is combative, illogical and dismissive of my views. I want to avoid drama, therefor I will not interact with him if he has nothing of value. As far as saying I may or may not adress you... well that is my choice. I choose not to get caught up in being insulted and de railed, therefor I choose not to interact with him unless he has anything to say of value.
    Ambaire likes this.
  14. Mars Volta

    Mars Volta Lieutenant

    Jul 10, 2020
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    I disagree with you vehemently on this. I believe in a rounded system that is attractive to a broader playerbase
  15. Mars Volta

    Mars Volta Lieutenant

    Jul 10, 2020
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    Hi Germanicus. Like I said, I admit that I could of started posting here earlier, however I didn't care enough about the game and I didn't trust the devs due to their being cryptic and confrontational at times. The sheer fact I am trying to offer my feedback now is reflective of my love for the game. Do I have no right to post in forums after a certain amount of hours?

    Yes I am 35, no idea what that has to do with anything. I would honestly appreciate if you don't hyperfocus on me posting in forums or not. I'm here now, I'm offering feedback and attempting an intelligent discussion about core parts of the game... not my age or how much older than I you are. Cheers
    Ambaire and Germanicus like this.
  16. RazzleWin

    RazzleWin Rear Admiral

    May 22, 2017
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    Then I wish you the best of luck :D
    dichebach and Germanicus like this.
  17. ravien_ff

    ravien_ff Rear Admiral

    Oct 22, 2017
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    Here is a sampling of the toxicity that comes across from the PvP community, aimed at the developers or other players:
    These were all comments from PvP players directed at the developers or other players, taken from just the past few days:
    This is why your post is getting such a negative reaction, because whether you like it or not, as a PvP player those other players are representing you.

    And it doesn't help when you say things like this:
    Empyrion already attracts a broader player base because it's so moddable and configurable. Forcing every server to be generic PvP focused is not attracting a broader player base. It's just going to force the 90% of non-PvP focused players to play the game the way you want them to.

    Instead, you should be advocating for more mechanics, bug fixes, and customization options for PvP focused servers, while still encouraging the single player and PvE content.

    Don't come here and dismiss the opinions of 90% of the player base and then act surprised when they strongly disagree with you. The PvP community hasn't done much to help progress PvP content. There isn't even any PvP focused scenarios on the workshop yet.
  18. Mars Volta

    Mars Volta Lieutenant

    Jul 10, 2020
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    Please show me where I have dismissed 90% of other players. Please show me where my feedback is not constructive and helpful?

    And why am I being held accountable because of other players that I have zero association with Ravien? I'm sorry, but you are the one being divisive here. I'm looking for a mature and constructive converstaion and all of a sudden I am being a part of your pvp witch hunt because I happen to like pvp. Seriously, I think if you want to find a solution to division and toxicity, you would benefit from the anility of looking past your own nose.

    There is a reason so many PvP players are upset and leaving the game, its because they feel excluded. And rightly so, game mechanics that quantify the ability of encompassing all styles of play should be a focus in vanilla across the board in my opinion.
    Don't Panic and stanley bourdon like this.
  19. Brimstone

    Brimstone Rear Admiral

    Dec 11, 2017
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    First off, let me be clear- I don't care how anyone likes to play their games. I think games are best when left as open as possible for player choice. Most of my own rants are re: the arbitrary limitations placed in the game

    That being said, apart from the "carebear" mantra, the negative reaction from most PvE players to PvP is that so much of the PvP wishlist seems to involve forcing people who don't want to PvP into PvP. Your own comments above fall into this, even if expressed far more civilly than most.

    The second reason is that 15% of the community wants all game balance to be built around that playstyle, no matter how detrimental that may be to the majority of players. This game was envisioned and designed as an SP/CoOp experience, and the devs need to focus on the 85% that play that way. Those who want changes for PvP need to seek out the Vermillions and Raviens for guidance on how to make the tweaks to create PvP scenarios. Maybe you could take that on and give creating a PvP focused scenario a try yourself
    Ambaire, dichebach, Khazul and 6 others like this.
  20. ravien_ff

    ravien_ff Rear Admiral

    Oct 22, 2017
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    They have no interest in doing that, in my experience.
    dichebach and Germanicus like this.

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